Value Blade Sail Sign Kit (Kits) SKU: OP-191731

(Min: 1, Max: 50)
Total : $ 190.10
Unit Price:$ 190.10
SKU: OP-191731
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Estimated Total : $ 190.10

Blade shape. Artwork is dye sublimated on super poly knit fabric. Pole pocket is made of the same super poly knit fabric as the flag. A loop on the flag attaches to an adjustable hook on the pole. Channeled carbon composite overlay pole construction with low-gloss black paint finish. Double-reinforced carbon fiber pole segment ends. Value spike constructed of galvanized steel with nylon polymer housing for bearing cover. 90-day warranty on hardware and flag. Carry case sold separately. Complies with Prop 65. 23.75" L x 43.5" W x 91.625" H

Size:23.75" L x 43.5" W x 91.625" H
Production Time:5 Business Working Days
Setup Price:Included
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