From Tote Bags to Tablets: The Evolution of Swag
Neel Patel  November 28, 2023

From Tote Bags to Tablets: The Evolution of Swag

Businesses are always looking for cool ways to get people interested in what they offer. One way they’ve been doing this for a long time is by giving away fun things with their logos on them, which we call “swag.” In this article, we’ll explore how swag has changed over time, from simple tote bags to high-tech tablets.

The Role of Promotional Products in Marketing

The Role of Promotional Products in Marketing

Before we dive into how swag has changed over time, let’s talk about why businesses have been giving away promotional products for so long.

At its core, marketing is about making a connection between a brand and its audience. Promotional products are things like free pens, bags, or shirts with a company’s logo on them. They help create a special link between the brand and the people who get these gifts.

When someone gets a thoughtful freebie, it’s like a little gift. And when people receive gifts, even small ones, they often want to give something back. This feeling of wanting to give back is called “reciprocity.” It makes people more loyal to the brand and more interested in what it offers.

So, promotional products are a big part of marketing because they use psychology to build a strong connection between a brand and its customers.

Early Days: The Birth of Promotional Tote Bags

Early Days: The Birth of Promotional Tote Bags

The story of swag goes back to the middle of the 20th century when businesses realized how useful tote bags could be. These are simple bags, but they can do a lot for a brand. You see, companies started putting their logos and catchy phrases on tote bags, turning them into walking advertisements.

The cool thing about tote bags is that they’re not just pretty; they’re practical too. They’re light, easy to carry, and have plenty of space to make them unique. Businesses can put their brand’s logo, message, or even a special campaign on them. That way, a tote bag becomes like a moving billboard that goes wherever the person carrying it goes.

It’s interesting to know that tote bags didn’t start as swag. The word “tote” comes from a Swahili word, “tuta,” which means “to carry.” At first, people used tote bags for everyday stuff, like groceries and other things they needed to carry.

But here’s the cool part: in the 1960s, something changed. Tote bags started showing up at trade shows, conventions, and events. They were affordable and really handy, so businesses saw a chance to use them as a way to leave a good impression on the people who came to these events. This shift turned tote bags into a symbol of swag – cool stuff businesses give away to get noticed.

The Versatile Tote Bag: A Marketing Powerhouse

The Versatile Tote Bag: A Marketing Powerhouse

Lately, people have been really worried about the environment. That’s why tote bags have become important again. These bags are not like regular plastic bags that you use once and throw away. They’re reusable, which is great for the planet because it means fewer plastic bags in the trash.

This is all part of a bigger trend where people want to buy things that are good for the Earth. So, businesses are changing the way they give away swag. They’re making tote bags from materials that are kind to the environment, or they’re designing them to last a long time. By giving out eco-friendly tote bags as swag, businesses are not only showing off their brand but also doing their part to keep the Earth green and healthy.

What’s really cool about tote bags is that they can do lots of different jobs. You can take them shopping, to the gym, or even to the beach. They’re like your helpful sidekick for all sorts of activities. This is great for brands because it means their logos stay visible for a long time.

A good tote bag is like a friend you can take with you every day. It’s not just useful; it also quietly shows off a brand. Whether you’re going to the local farmers’ market, spending a day at the beach, or carrying books to the library, tote bags fit right into your daily life.

From Totes to Tech: The Digital Age of Swag

From Totes to Tech: The Digital Age of Swag

As technology got better, the world of freebies also got more interesting. While tote bags were still popular, they had to share the spotlight with high-tech stuff. Tablets, smartphones, and other fancy gadgets became exciting options for businesses that wanted to impress people.

This change from traditional swag-like tote bags to tech items was a big deal in how businesses advertise. In our tech-focused world, companies want to be seen as up-to-date, so they use the latest gadgets to catch the eye of tech-loving folks.

Tablets, especially, became a big deal. They’re versatile and useful, and lots of people want them. That’s why businesses started giving them away. Tablets aren’t just tools; they also show that a brand is smart and forward-thinking, which is what many companies want to be known for.

Tablets are special as swag items because they bring together two important things: being really useful and feeling a bit luxurious. When people get tablets as freebies, they see them as valuable gifts. Giving out tablets as swag is a generous move by brands, and it makes them look ahead to the future. People love getting tablets because they can use them for work, play, and more. It’s like getting a useful and fancy present all in one.

When businesses use tablets in their swag campaigns, it’s not just about giving people the devices. They often load tablets with special software, content, or apps that carry their message and connect people to their brand world.

So, it’s not just getting a tablet; it’s getting a tablet with extra stuff that makes the brand’s message even stronger and lets you explore what they’re all about.

Personalization and Branding

Personalization and Branding

Making tote bags unique is really important. Tote bags are like blank canvases that businesses can customize. They can pick the colors, materials, and designs that their customers will love. When businesses personalize tote bags, they make them even more appealing and build a stronger connection with the people who get them.

Branding on tote bags can be done in different ways. Most businesses put their logos and catchy phrases on them. But some go a step further. For instance, a company celebrating its anniversary might create a special tote bag that tells the story of its journey over the years.

When it comes to tech swag, like tablets, branding is a bit different. Businesses can do more than just put their logo on it. They can create special software, add their own accessories, and load the tablet with their content. All of this is designed to leave a strong impression on the people who get the tablet. These branding tricks go beyond just sticking a logo, making it a more immersive experience with the brand.

With tech swag, the branding goes into the digital world too. When people use customized software or access branded content on their tablets, they become part of the brand’s digital world. This makes them feel closer to the brand and more loyal to it.

The Modern Swag;A History

The Modern Swag;A History

In the 21st century, swag has become way more than just tote bags and tech gadgets. Now, businesses give away all sorts of stuff like clothes, office supplies, and even virtual things like digital badges and NFTs. Swag has changed to include things that all kinds of people might like.

The swag we have today shows what people like and how they live. For example, when you get branded clothes, it’s like showing off your support for a brand wherever you go. And those virtual things, like digital badges and NFTs, are part of the trend of collecting cool stuff online, giving you special and exclusive experiences.

To succeed in swag marketing, it’s important to stay up-to-date with what’s popular. One way to do this is by teaming up with social media influencers, releasing limited-edition swag, and hosting virtual events. These strategies help keep people interested and engaged because things change quickly online.

Influencer partnerships can help spread the word about swag to more people through the influencer’s followers. Limited-edition swag releases create a feeling of excitement and specialness, encouraging people to act fast. Virtual events, like online product launches, give a way to share digital swag with people who are far away.

Measuring Swag’s Effectiveness

Measuring Swag’s Effectiveness

To see how well swag campaigns are doing, businesses use different ways to measure their success. They look at things like how many people got the swag, how many interacted with it, and how many of them became paying customers. These measures help figure out if swag is worth the investment.

First, they look at “reach,” which shows how many people got the brand’s swag. This could be from giving stuff out at events, sending it to people, or sharing it online.

Then, they check “engagement,” which means how people use or talk about the swag. For physical swag, they might see how many people mention it on social media or write online reviews. For digital swag, they check how many people download it, use it, or spend time with it.

Finally, “conversions” are the most important. This tells if people who got the swag actually did something the brand wanted, like buying something or signing up for a service. Conversions show if swag campaigns are making money.

Figuring out if swag campaigns are worth it is really important. It means looking at whether the money spent on making and giving out swag is worth the brand getting noticed and making money in return. A good swag campaign should not just make people aware of the brand but also make them do things like buy stuff.
To calculate if a swag campaign is worth it, businesses need to look at both the costs and the benefits. Costs include how much it costs to make the swag, give it out, and promote it. On the benefits side, they look at things like how many more people know about the brand, how people are engaging with it, and how many people are buying because of the swag.

Challenges in Swag Evolution

Even though some swag items like tote bags are good for the environment, swag overall can still have a big impact on nature. Businesses have to figure out how to advertise themselves while also being kind to the planet. Some businesses pick eco-friendly swag to match their values and what customers want.

These days, taking care of the environment is a big deal in swag marketing. Brands are picking materials for their swag that are good for the planet. They use things like recycled materials and stuff that breaks down easily, which helps make swag campaigns more eco-friendly.

Future of Swag: Balancing Tradition and Innovation

The future of swag is about blending what’s been working for a long time with new and exciting things. Items like tote bags, which are eco-friendly and you can touch, will still be a part of swag marketing. But we’ll also see new technologies and trends shaping how swag works, so it stays interesting.

In the years to come, we’ll see a smoother mix of physical and digital swag. Brands will use technology to make traditional swag items even better. For example, QR codes on tote bags might lead to special online stuff or cool experiences, connecting the things you can touch with the digital world.

To stay important in the always-changing world of swag marketing, businesses need to adjust to what people like and worry about the environment and new technology. Being flexible, creative, and really knowing who they want to reach will be super important to make swag campaigns work well.

Businesses need to take a big-picture approach to swag marketing. This means:

Sustainability: Incorporating eco-friendly practices and materials in swag campaigns to reduce environmental impact.

Personalization: Tailoring swag items to individual preferences and demographics to create a stronger connection.

Digital Integration: Leveraging technology to enhance the value of physical swag items and create engaging digital experiences.

Measurement and Optimization: Continuously tracking the effectiveness of swag campaigns and optimizing strategies based on data.

To sum it up, the shift from tote bags to tablets shows how swag marketing keeps changing and coming up with new ideas. Businesses have been smart about trying new things while still liking the old swag stuff. Swag is still a great way for businesses to connect with people and make a strong impression, both online and offline.

Ready to step up your swag game? Check out a variety of cool promotional products at!